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The team at Grand Rapids Eye Care is dedicated to helping you make the most of your benefits and receive top-notch eye care while enjoying special offers and rebates. Discover exclusive promotions and discounts designed to enhance your eye care experience.

Contact Lens Mail-In Rebate Coupons

SAVE MONEY!!! Major contact lens manufacturers frequently offer mail-in rebate coupons worth up to $100.00 off contact lenses and up to $40.00 off professional fees associated with contact lens fittings.

We work hard at staying up to date on all manufacturers rebate programs and will PRO-ACTIVELY provide you with money saving coupons whenever available.

Because our contact lens prices are ALREADY COMPETITIVE WITH INTERNET SUPPLIERS, you are assured of receiving the best combination of value and price!

HD OCT Imaging Reveals Eye Diseases

Our office recently updated technology and has the ability to detect early changes due to Glaucoma or Macular Degeneration. If you have a family history of either Glaucoma or Macular Degeneration, and are concerned that you may be experiencing some changes in your eye health consider having this screening done. We are now offering screenings for $25, not reimbursable by insurance. The scan does not require dilating your eyes, however, the doctor may recommend a complete dilated exam.

Questions, call 616-363-5413, or email us at

Smiling Man Wearing Glasses

Schedule Your Next Exam

Start seeing more clearly today and ensure your eye health by scheduling your next eye exam with Grand Rapids Eye Care!